More Divi Layouts are coming in future updates!
The Ultimate Divi Modules Ui Kit
Released Version 2.2 New Added Layouts : Coming Soon
01Team – Divi Layouts
Classic Team Sections
Total 10 Layout
Team Carousel
Total 53 Layout
Team List Sections
Total 10 Layout
Team Sections V1.0
Total 10 Layout
Team Sections V2.0
Total 10 Layout
Fitness Team Sections
Total 10 Layout
Team Circle Sections
Total 10 Layout
Team Flip Box Sections
Total 10 Layout
Team Popup Modal
Total 01 Layout
Team Tabs Sections
Total 10 Layout
Team Timeline Sections
Total 10 Layout
02Services – Divi Layouts
Consulting Services V1.0
Total 10 Layout
Consulting Services V2.0
Total 10 Layout
Fitness Services
Total 10 Layout
03Testimonial – Divi Layouts
Testimonial Carousel
Total 50 Layout
Testimonial Grid
Total 20 Layout
Testimonial Timeline
Total 10 Layout
04Blog – Divi Layouts
05Portfolio – Divi Layouts
Fullwidth Portfolio Carousel
Total 161 Layout
Projects Carousel
Total 10 Layout
Filter Projects Sections
Total 20 Layout
Projects Grid Sections
Total 10 Layout
Portfolio Timeline
Total 10 Layout
06Pricing Table – Divi Layouts
Pricing Carousel V1.0
Total 10 Layout
Pricing Carousel V2.0
New 10 Layout
Pricing Grid
Total 40 Layout
Pricing Toggle
Total 03 Layout
07Tabs – Divi Layouts
Custom Tabs
Total 03 Layout
Advanced Divi Tabs
Total 07 Layout
Tabs UI Kit
Total 214 Layout
Tabs (Horizontal-Vertical)
Total 75 Layout
08Info Box – Divi Layouts
09Theme Builder – Divi Layouts
Menu Designs Bundle
Total 20 Layout
Divi Footer Layouts
Total 10 Layout
Headers Layouts
Total 10 Layout
Headers With Modal Popup
Total 05 Layout
10Other – Divi Layouts
Timeline History Kit
Total 173 Layout
Button Designs
Total 520 Layout
Contact Grid
Total 106 Layout
Counter Grid
Total 40 Layout
Slider Sections
Total 10 Layout
Hover Effect Sections
Total 130 Layout
Contact Form Sections
Total 10 Layout
Why Choose Us Sections
Total 10 Layout
About Us Section
Total 10 Layout
Call To Action (CTA) Sections
Total 10 Layout
Image Popup Carousel
Total 10 Layout
FAQ Sections
Total 13 Layout
Flipbox Sections
Total 30 Layout
11Landing Page – Divi Layouts
12Sub Page – Divi Layouts
Single Team Detail Layouts
Total 04 Layout